Sunday 14 September 2014

Momentum And Impulse:

So what is momentum?
Momentum is a vector quantity where it has magnitude and direction. It is represented by a letter P and the equation for working out momentum is P(Ns)=m(kg)*v(m/s). Momentum is all around us from snooker to boxing. Without momentum everything in our universe would be still like a dull rock!

From this image pictured above we can see that Ronnie is about to take a shot. So what can he possibly do to maximise and increase the momentum so that he can bring the cue ball back once potting the red ball? To do that he must hit the cue ball very fast so that the ball can have enough velocity to get the required momentum.

 Impulse is the change in momentum. The equation for impulse is: mass * change in velocity. Impulse is closely linked to Newtons second law (F=ma).
We can derive the equation of Impulse from Newtons second law like this:
Equations: Derivation of Impulse.

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